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Escrow Infographic - Preliminary

Take risk and uncertainty out your big-ticket domain name sales or purchases by letting SnapNames Escrow securely mediate your transaction. Sellers transfer their domain name(s) to our escrow account, buyers make a payment to that same account, and we'll make sure all items are received before releasing assets to the respective parties. Whether buying or selling domain names, your peace of mind is our top priority!

For your convenience, we keep you online by letting you access all of your important documents right from the site. We'll keep you in the loop with status updates and let you know right away if you have an action item to complete.

Escrow Infographic - Step 1

Set Up a Transaction in Minutes

Escrow has never been easier. Within minutes, you can name the conditions of your transaction and start tracking its progress. It does not matter whether you are buying or selling; we make it simple to initiate a sale and get up and running with everything you need, including a SnapNames account.

Escrow Infographic - Step 2

Agree to a Plan that Works for You

Once the process starts, we make it simple to track your transaction at every step. For example, both the initiating and accepting parties in a transaction will receive notice when an agreement is signed, payment is made, or name is transferred. Of course, you can always follow along with any transaction you've started right from your Escrow Dashboard.

Escrow Infographic - Step 3

Easy as 1, 2, 3

SnapNames Escrow is as easy as transfer, pay, release! Sellers transfer their names to our escrow account, buyers make a payment to that same account, and we'll make sure all items are received before releasing assets to their respective parties.

Escrow Infographic - Step 4

Professionals Behind the Wheel

Our process is backed by informed, responsive escrow professionals and a support team eager to answer your questions. We review your transaction as it progresses and confirm that all of the pieces are in place before a transaction receives final approval and assets are exchanged. Rest assured that whether you are on your first escrow transaction or your hundredth, you are in good hands. As always, our support team is standing by if you have any questions!

Escrow Infographic - Step 5


At the end of a transaction, we hope your exchange was simple and enjoyable. Even after a transaction is over, we keep your past transactions on file so that you can always check in and see your escrow history.

Ready to start a transaction of your own? Please be sure to stop by and thoroughly read our Escrow Policy, then start a new transaction whenever you're ready!

Need Assistance to close your deal? Let a broker help you now!

Escrow Fees

Domain Sale Price in US Dollars Basic Escrow Fees in US Dollars
$1 - $500 $50
$501 - $1,000 $75
$1,001 - $2,000 $99
$2,001 - $3,000 $125
$3,001 - $5,000 $149
$5,001 - $7,000 $175
$7,001 - $10,000 $200
$10,001 - $15,000 $250
$15,001 - $20,000 $300
$20,001 - $30,000 $350
$30,001 - $50,000 $450
$50,001+ .93% of the total

(additional charges may apply)

Additional Fees

(if applicable)

  • Multiple domains will incur additional fees.
  • $30 per payment will be added at checkout for Payment Plan transactions.
  • $100 will be added for any Custom Payment Plan.